Welcome to the Secure Website for the Center for Community-Engaged Learning and the Community Engagement Scholars Program
This website is the secure site for managing information for current U of M service-learning courses, community partners, and students. It is also the site where U of M students track their community work for the Community Engagement Scholars Program. Please visit ccel.umn.edu to view our public website, where you can learn more about our services and programs.
The Center for Community-Engaged Learning offers U of M students, community partners, faculty and staff a range of information and resources about community-engaged learning courses, volunteering in the Twin Cities, In 1989, the University of Minnesota–Twin Cities began to provide support for the development of academic service-learning in three classes. Today, our unit provides resources and support to more than 100 classes a year, located in more than 60 academic programs and 12 colleges on the Twin Cities campus.